The Studienhaus celebrates 15 years!

by Johannes Bittner

Saturday, 29 March 2025, from 6.30 pm - Anniversary dinner and lecture

‘Living relationships - shaping relationships - the pastoral profession’ Rev Dr Dan Holder presents his dissertation, followed by a discussion and get-together

Sunday, 30 March 2025, 10.00 a.m. - Church service

Greeting: Church Council of the ERK Basel-Stadt
Sermon: Theologians Niklas Walder and Christian Schaufelberger
Liturgy/music: Former and current students of the House of Studies and board members of the ‘Ev. Studienhaus’ association
Communion: Pastors Dan & Martina Holder

For dinner and the lecture:

Registration by 15 March at -
Fee for non-members 50.- Sfr.