The 'Evangelisches Studienhaus' celebrates 15 years!

Saturday, 29 March 2025, from 6.30 pm - Anniversary dinner and lecture

‘Living relationships - shaping relationships - the pastoral profession’ Rev Dr Dan Holder presents his dissertation, followed by a discussion and get-together

Sunday, 30 March 2025, 10.00 a.m. - Church service  

Greeting: Church Council of the ERK Basel-Stadt
Sermon: Theologians Niklas Walder and Christian Schaufelberger
Liturgy/music: Former and current students of the House of Studies and board members of the ‘Ev. Studienhaus’ association
Communion: Pastors Dan & Martina Holder


For dinner and the lecture:

Registration by 15 March at -
Fee for non-members 50.- Sfr.


Evangelisches Studienhaus Meierhof Riehen/Basel


Are you a student and are you interested in living in a small Christian community and being involved in theological discussion? 

The ‘Evangelisches Studienhaus’ Riehen

The ‘Evangelisches Studienhaus’ is run as a house for students by a society with the same name and is supported by the Swiss Reformed Church, Basel City. The ‘Studienhaus’ has been located in Riehen since the end of 2010 and is led by pastors Dan and Martina Holder. The president of the society is Thilo Arend-Heidbrinck, who works with the board and members to ensure that prospective theologians and other students interested in theology experience Christian community and spiritual life during their studies. In addition to common prayer times, reading evenings and community-building events, spiritual counselling is also provided by the leading couple. The study centre maintains contact with the local Swiss Reformed parish and also organises themed evenings together with the parish.

About us

The Studienhaus is organised and funded by the society 'Evangelisches Studienhaus'.

Our rooms

We offer 5 rooms for students who are willing to be involved in theological discussion and Church.